About Us
Apno ki DUKAN
Vaish Community has always been progressive, innovative and a trend setter for its entrepreneurial skills. But the time is changing faster than ever. We must understand the importance and inevitability of e-commerce. Innovation, Co-operation and Co-ordination are the key-words for growth of the community and eventually the nation as a whole.
Our forefathers have been a major contributor to the economic and social development, not only the national but and also at the global level; we have to continue that and we must leave a legacy for our future generations.
The potential is enormous; we just have to realize our true worth.
We are a group of entrepreneurs dedicated to bridging the gap between traditional way of trading and using technology (E-Commerce), to make the difference.
Charity begins at home
पहले अपनों का भला फिर जगत का भला
आइए साथ बढ़ें।
अपनों का साथ, अपनों के साथ, सबका विकास
ऊपर लिखे कुछ ऐसी ही विचारधारा के साथ हमने इस वेबसाईट
का निर्माण किया है, आइए हम सब मिल कर इसका लाभ उठाएँ।
Honesty is the best policy
सदा सच बोलो
ये कुछ ऐसे शब्द हैं जो हमने पहली कक्षा में पढे थे,
आइए इनका पालन करें ।
The future belongs to “E-COMMERCE”
Sooner we realise this, better it is.
Next generation is NOT going to market,
we will HAVE TO reach their fingertips.
To remain in competition
we have to use technologies.
Let's unite before it’s TOO late.
बदलाव प्रकृति का नियम है,
आइए विकास के लिए साथ में आगे बढ़ें।
Successful people don't do different things,
they do them differently.
YOU Design it, YOU Promote it and YOU Benefit from it - JUST DO IT
Own it as A PARTNER
Upliftment of society is our common responsibility
Without you we are incomplete.
Let one & one become eleven
Where there is unity there is victory
Own it as A SELLER
Why Spend lacks for a website, here it’s free.
Do it yourself, at your own pace and place
Trust us, you can do it. Its easier than you think.
Own it as A BUYER
Buyer is Supreme,
Your honest reviews
will be our guiding force
to ensure QUALITY and SERVICE.